The world is now going through a difficult season due to corona disease.
and many of us have reached the point of staying at home to prevent congestion which in one way or another can cause serious infections.

Its because of corona disease the lifestyle of many people has now changed, those who were accustomed to spend 24 hours at work are now forced to stay home with their families. 

But on the Other Side What Have You Learned...( think about this)...

while thinking about that can i ask you some few things..?

Did you know that there will be a period like this..?
Did you know there will be this staying at home slogan..?
Who knows that corona will stop people to go to churches
Who knew that millions of people will die due to corona virus?

We were all there watching on TVs, reading world updates news when it was started at china.. but now its all over the world, did you know about all of these? 

There are some students who were about to finish their schools in July, others in august and others in September, and some were in preparations for their end exams..look now..all have changed
Some had plans on how to go for the year, and now there is no way that they can go further..
Some people have been forced to suspend some of their key programs
We don't know how this will affect the world economic
and now we don't know how far this will go and for how long..  
Does anyone know when the corona will end?

Here Are Some Few Things  I Have Learned...

  • No body knows instant in season and out of season.
  • To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.. 
while others are comfortable with staying at home, others are thinking what will happen if we will be stopped from getting out..and some are crying out after being commanded to stay home.
  • If a small virus can shake the world to this extent, so now you can see how small is the world when compared to corona virus...
  • So this is to say, we are living in the world which can be easily destroyed  ( WHERE IS YOUR HOPE)
  • People can do anything just not to die
  • We were not born to stay home.
Those are few thing, i hope you have learned a lot from this season, so you will tell us on the comment section below..

SO Here are Some Things to do in Quarantine..

First of all we all need to thank GOD for this too its a new experience, we never went through this before,
And In addition to all what we are going through, let us not forget that we are human, we deserve to be happy we deserve to be at peace.
So anything that can give us peace and happiness is exactly what we need in this season..

This is the world holiday..this is the best time for each one of us focus on his or her own self, 
Going deeper beyond what we see in ourselves..
Discovering new abilities, strange things at home..
It is the time to think what we can do inside that can brings changes outside..

There are some people have never had time to read the word of GOD, This is the time..
This is the time to improve yourself through learning and practicing new things, positive habits.. 

The secret to our success is knowing who we are, where are we coming from, and what we have born for...knowing your capabilities, what to do and what not to do for a better start of a new season.
So for those who wants to go far to find themselves.. their true self, this is the best time for their best future

May God give you peace and happiness and all the desire of your heart during this time
Stay positive, stay safe..
Be strong and bold, have no fear or dread of them, because it is the Lord your GOD who goes before you.

Pray for yourself, your country and the world in General..


Dont miss these ones

Where our HoPe IS....??


Moyo wa Mtu ni Kama Kichaka